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Ama Comedy strikes again: V episode “My Right” is the best of all

by E.T. #AmaComedy twitter@gaiaitalia_eng #MalickGumaneh   Proud to have between my beloved friends the young author/actor/director Malick Gumaneh, 21 years old gambian artist, I am also proud to comment here the fifth episode of Ama Comedy’s saga called “My Rights” a poisoning and intelligent and humorous 3’25” video based on the meaning of democracy which ...
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Assalto armato di Sassari, USIF: Auto GdF non blindate, tragedia evitata solo per caso

Il comunicato stampa dell'USIF pubblicato integralmente [....]

Cutro, USIF: “Solidarietà ai colleghi. Rispettare sempre la presunzione d’innocenza”

La Segreteria Generale dell’Unione Sindacale Italiana Finanzieri (USIF), in una lettera aperta di solidarietà ai colleghi della Guardia di Finanza [....]

Red carpet rosso sangue trentadue anni dopo il massacro

Il prossimo anno saranno trentatré ('ntaquattro, 'ntacinque....) [....]

Scossa di magnitudo 3.6 in provincia di Reggio Calabria

La scossa a 58km di profondità. Non si segnalano danni [....]

Altro da leggere

Ama Comedy strikes again: V episode “My Right” is the best of all

by E.T. #AmaComedy twitter@gaiaitalia_eng #MalickGumaneh   Proud to have between my beloved friends the young author/actor/director Malick Gumaneh, 21 years old gambian artist, I am also proud to comment here the fifth episode of Ama Comedy’s saga called “My Rights” a poisoning and intelligent and humorous 3’25” video based on the meaning of democracy which ...

Ama Comedy, a couple of extremely funny (and smart) shootings from Gambia

by G.G. #AmaComedy #Coronavirus   A couple of days ago we dropped on a couple fo very funny videos shooted by Ama Comedy, a very low budget productions, based in Gambia, center Africa and totally centred on describing the weaknesses of our systems – social, political and welfare system – with some extremely funny ...